How to play with fire without burning
Have you ever put out a fire? Do you know how you would react in such a situation? Virtual reality allows you to test yourself safely and prepare for such a context.

Under the hood
Wouldn’t you like to lift the hood of several cars? Even if you don’t really have access to too many, you can disassemble a BMW engine in virtual reality. There is no risk here of not being able to assemble it. Analyze each piece and find out how it works.
The human body as never today
Did you know that you can enter the depths of the human body without being a surgeon? You can observe organs and systems of the human body, as never before. You can effectively move the organs from their place without the macabre appearance of a dissection on a corpse.

Synaps in action
Are you curious to find out what a neuron is made up of? Not only to find out, but also to look closely at these elements? Virtual reality now allows you to observe its components and synapses in a unique way.
Up on the crane
Are you a professional, beginner or just curious to climb a crane and operate it? Test your skills in handling a crane safely before doing so in real life. Virtual reality offers you this opportunity.

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